Alice in wonderland.
Yes, a movie that I am expecting very very much! My reasons:
1. It's a Tim Burton movie
2. It's a Charles Lutwidge Dodgson book, a.k.a. Lewis Carroll.
3. It's Alice...
4. Jonhy Depp is in the movie.
Well, there have been another movies about this story in 1933 and 1972. And also, the animated movie by Disney in 1951 and some other movies that are not so much important. So, What makes this movie better than the others? Well, to me the reasons are the ones up below. It's 2009 people!... The new tecnological features and the new tecnological advances are going to make this movie extraordinary.
I really, really recomend this movie. I already saw the trailer and it's very good.
So, If you are kind of interested on watching the movie, my first recomendation is that you watch the trailer.
I will let you 3 links.
Here is the link for the english trailer!
Here is the link for the english trailer with spanish subtitles!
And Here's the link fot the spanish trailer!
Enjoy it!